New Choice Recovery Program™

The New Choice Recovery Program™ is an addiction management program designed to help you understand your addiction, the addictive behavior and help you to make new choices which will change your life. These classes are for treatment of any addiction but include substance abuse (alcohol, opioids, prescription drugs, cocaine, nicotine, marijuana), and behavior addictions (gambling, shopping, internet, food, co-dependency).

Working with hundreds of people, we have been able to help people understand that addictions are simply coping skills that don’t work. Many times these coping skills are ones that are common to your environment or to your home. Sometimes these are coping skills which serve to protect you from forces, situations, people, and changes that you feel threatened by. There are chemical changes and rewards that go along with addictions, but these are easily overcome as can be seen by the large number of people that get over their addictions. Treating addictions as an isolated problem is rarely successful. Sobriety must become a new lifestyle with fingers not only in your habits, but in your relationships, in your nutrition, and all areas of your life including in your vision of your life in the future.

This series of ongoing classes is especially tailored for persons ready to change their lives! This class is affordable, for persons with no insurance. These classes are for treatment of any addiction but include substance abuse (alcohol, opioids, prescription drugs, cocaine, nicotine, marijuana), and behavior addictions (gambling, shopping, internet, food, co-dependency).

These sessions are affordable and have several meeting options including weekend hours to assist you in freeing yourself from addictions. So whether you’re addicted to shopping, gambling, drugs, technology, or any other addictive behavior, we can help.

This class can be scheduled as a Group or Individual session.

New Choice(TM) is not a in-patient or detox program. New Choice(TM) is an educational, interventional, counseling program to assist individuals to understand themselves and their addictions.