Anger Management

Stress has become a part of our everyday vocabulary.  We help you, not to eliminate stress, but manage it. Common mindsets and reactions like anger, depression, and anxiety are widespread because they do seem to work to manage this stress – at least short term. You will learn to replace ineffective and self-harming responses with self-chosen, confident responses. Concepts like ‘tolerance of others’ will be explored to empower you to make decisions that benefit you. With practice you will be able to make the best of any situation. You may find a different perspective or agreement, but you will definitely find the ability to use your thoughts to uplift your feelings.

Our Anger Management Class is an intensive 8-hour course. The last Sunday of each month a 7-hour anger management class plus 1 hour of one-on-one anger management individual therapy dealing with participant’s personal issues. The session with therapist is scheduled at a time of participant’s convenience. This is a court-approved class and if requested will include a certificate for submission.

Participants leave with up-to-date information, techniques and beginnings of a 5-year life vision/plan. Preregistration is required.

Solution Focused Counseling offers additional one-on-one therapy as well as group classes.